0988051111 - 0766323323

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No. 15 Villa 4, Nam Son Street, Linh Dam Peninsula area, Hanoi

0988051111 - 0766323323

No. 15 Villa 4, Nam Son Street, Linh Dam Peninsula area, Hanoi



Dr. Maria Montessori’s educational approach is designed to support children in their development from birth to adulthood. The Cobb School is proof of the viability of Dr. Montessori’s vision. Beautifully prepared environments are enriched with a wide range of Montessori materials and activities. Teachers see each child as a unique individual who wants to develop. Cobb School is a place where children discover, unfold and grow, where they are prepared and educated for life. Dr. Maria Montessori describes her approach as “Education for Peace”. Children are fully prepared to become global citizens from the day they enter The Cobb School.
For children under the age of six, learning is an all-sensory process, especially touch. Dr. Montessori has created engaging materials for children to manipulate and, through exploration, understand higher-level concepts, develop inner discipline and nurture their natural curiosity. She found that with appropriate guidance and freedom, children develop a positive sense of self and their community. According to Dr. Montessori, the teacher’s role in this process is to act as an important link between children and their surroundings.

At the elementary level (six to twelve years old), the program and classroom environment are specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of this age group. Elementary school age children want to know the why and why of things. We respond to this passionate curiosity by providing them with a range of hands-on materials, books, and resources designed to support exploration and research in all areas of co-curricular activities. Typically students work collaboratively and enjoy participating in large projects. The curriculum is extensive and includes, in addition to mathematics and languages, a great deal of history, art, geography, music, and science. The subjects are presented in a way that stimulates the development of deductive intelligence and creative imagination characteristic of primary school children’s minds.